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SBIR and STTR Grants

Secure a game-changing federal technology grant for your innovative technology, with no equity release or match funding required

$3bn waiting to be claimed

Apply in weeks, not months

Access a grant-winning automated tech platform

What are the SBIR and STTR programs?

What they are

The Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) and Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) grant programs – also known as America’s Seed Fund.

What they do

Support innovative technology research and development projects to realize their commercial potential, bringing to life amazing innovations that can strengthen America’s economy – and beyond.

How they do it

Offer federal technology grants to small US-based businesses, with applications from women and socioeconomically disadvantaged individuals particularly welcomed.

Start Here: NSF SBIR/STTR Phase I

The SBIR grant application can be a tough landscape to navigate, but you can make your journey simpler with Grantify.

We’re helping small businesses like yours apply to the National Science Foundation (NSF), which has a $200m budget for this particular grant and will fund approximately 400 projects this year.

Your project must start at Phase I, which offers awards of up to $275,000. You’ll begin with a Project Pitch – a 1500-word summary of your Phase I project that outlines:

– The technical credibility of your idea
– The feasibility of commercialization
– The strengths of your project team

You will need to pass this step of the process before starting your full Phase I application.

How to Apply to the SBIR/NSF

There are three distinct, separately-funded phases in the SBIR/NSF program.

  • Phase I tackles everything from the idea stage to a proof of concept or very early prototype.
  • Phase II focuses on additional pre-commercial development. Phase IIB is a supplemental “bridge” award to help you accelerate commercialization. (All three phases require separate applications.)

You’ll begin with a Project Pitch – a 1500-word summary of your Phase I project, roughly three pages in length, that outlines the technical credibility of your idea, the feasibility of commercialization and the strengths of your project team. You will need to complete and successfully pass this step of the application process before starting your full Phase I application.

Why Use Grantify To Apply?

Powerful, unique online platform

Detailed guidance and model answers

Simpler, more efficient application

Dedicated expert support


What the Grantify platform does

Breaks down the complex SBIR/STTR grant application process into short simple questions

Writes sections of the SBIR/STTR grant application for you

Provides model answers that contain the detail SBIR/STTR assessors are looking for

Provides enterprise-level access to market research database

Builds a grant application from your answers, saving valuable time

Guides you throughout the entire federal technology grant application process

How it works


Take the Quiz

Take our self-assessment quiz to see if your business is eligible for the NSF SBIR/STTR program, then book a free call. One of our consultants will review your position and advise on your funding options, including other suitable federal technology grant opportunities.


Access the platform

Log in to our easy-to-use platform. It will show you how to write your application by breaking down the complex SBIR grant application process into short simple questions.


Follow the step-by-step guidance

You’ll find model answers to help you write a winning federal technology grant application in the platform. Our support team will be on hand to help you throughout the process.


Let the tech work its magic

Our clever technology builds an SBIR/STTR funding application from your answers and allocates it to our experts for review. They conduct multiple rounds of proofreading and editing to improve your application before submitting.

To be successful on our first try is a testament to the system that Grantify has developed.

Already Applied?

Have you applied for Small Business Innovation Research funding before or have already had your Project Pitch accepted? Don't worry - you've still come to the right place, whatever phase of the application you're at!

You'll get an edge over the competition thanks to our specialized platform, especially at the more advanced levels of the application process.

We can help you no matter what stage you're at. Simply take the quiz and book your call with us.

Bring Your Innovation to Life

Your innovation could have a tremendous impact on some of the most important challenges in America today.

Bring it to life. Talk to our federal grant experts today and find out if SBIR grants or STTR grants are right for you.

Begin here