Grant Writing Insider Tips: Secrets from Grantify's £125M+ Success

Elevate your grant application with proven strategies from Grantify. Learn the insider tips that helped us secure over £125M in funding.

Megan Williams
June 20, 2024
Grant Writing Insider Tips: Secrets from Grantify's £125M+ Success


Navigating the business grant application process can feel like scaling a mountain in a thick fog. To help you find your way, we asked our team of grant specialists for insider tips.

With over £125M in funding secured for clients in the last three years, they've seen firsthand what makes applications stand out from the crowd. 

Our experts have pinpointed four key areas that often trip up even the most knowledgeable founders.

What Kinds of Risks Do Grant Assessors Want to See?

Debbie Nicol, Grantify Funding Consultant
Debbie Nicol, Funding Consultant @ Grantify
Expert in: Crafting Compelling Grant Narratives
Many businesses worry about highlighting risks in their grant applications. They want to appear confident and minimise potential objections.

How should founders address the topic of risk effectively?
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It's a common misconception that downplaying risk makes your project more appealing.

Actually, grant assessors understand that any innovative project carries inherent risks.

A low-risk project raises a red flag – why do you need public funding for something that's already safe? You therefore need to highlight the right kind of risk.
Testimonial Author
Debbie Nicol
Funding Consultant @ Grantify
Could you elaborate on the ‘right’ and ‘wrong’ kinds of risk?
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Sure. ‘Right’ risks are often technical. Is there a chance your technology might not work as intended? That's understandable, especially for cutting-edge projects.

The key is demonstrating that you have the team and resources to overcome those technical hurdles.

‘Wrong’ risks involve management, execution, or commercial viability.

If you can’t convince assessors that you have a robust plan to bring your product to market, that's a major problem.
Testimonial Author
Debbie Nicol
Funding Consultant @ Grantify
Is there anything else founders should keep in mind when addressing risk?
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Two things. First, take the risk assessment seriously. Don't just list risks – discuss mitigation strategies for each one.

This demonstrates your awareness and proactive approach.

Secondly, remember that even a mundane-sounding project can benefit from a “pre-mortem” – that is, thinking about what could go wrong ahead of time so you’re better equipped to handle challenges.
Testimonial Author
Debbie Nicol
Funding Consultant @ Grantify

How Can I Use Statistics to Make My Grant Proposal Stand Out?

Debbie Nicol, Grantify Funding Consultant
Adam Hopkins, Senior Funding Consultant @ Grantify
Expert in: Substantiating Innovation Claims with Data & Proving Public Benefit
Applicants want their innovations to sound impressive, but it's hard to know how much detail to provide.

How can founders use statistics and references to bolster their case?
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Statistics are your best friend, and they’re an essential element of any winning grant application because they turn vague claims - which grant orgs hear a lot of! - into concrete evidence.

It's the difference between saying your solution addresses a ‘big problem’ and citing market research that quantifies the exact cost of that problem across your industry.

Remember, assessors aren't experts in every field. Numbers help them quickly grasp the scale of the issue you're solving.

Testimonial Author
Adam Hopkins
Senior Funding Consultant @ Grantify
Could you give a specific example?
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Imagine an application addressing wind turbine failures.

Instead of saying ‘turbine failures create a huge burden,’ try something like: "In 2023, this affected 269 turbines, with each failed drivetrain requiring repair or replacement at £57K-175K/unit (Plutus, 2020). This equates to an annual cost of £46M to the UK energy sector."

That level of detail and market knowledge paints a much clearer, more convincing picture for assessors and establishes your expertise and credibility.
Testimonial Author
Adam Hopkins
Senior Funding Consultant @ Grantify
What tools can help applicants find these kinds of statistics?
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A good starting point is industry reports and research papers from reputable organisations. Government websites can also be a treasure trove of data – the ONS publishes a wide range of data relevant to many sectors.

And don't underestimate the power of trade associations or professional bodies in your field. They often conduct or commission research that can provide valuable insights.

Digging out the perfect stats can be time-consuming, of course, so definitely take advantage of our research tools: our Statista enterprise account, Data Gardener, and Google Scholar. They let you quickly find relevant supporting statistics without leaving the Grantify platform.
Testimonial Author
Adam Hopkins
Senior Funding Consultant @ Grantify

For more guidance, check out our article on using data to craft a compelling grant application.

How Do I Prove My Grant Project is Worthwhile for Taxpayers?

Debbie Nicol, Grantify Funding Consultant
Mike Ko, Funding Consultant @ Grantify
Expert in: Proving Public Benefit in Grant Applications
When grant funding comes from public money, showing value for money is crucial.

How can applicants prove their project is a worthwhile investment for the taxpayer?
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You need to show how you’ll wring every drop of value from every penny spent. Demonstrating wider benefits is a key part of that.

Assessors don't just want to see how the grant helps your company; they want to see positive ripple effects. This means thinking about economic, social, environmental, and even regional benefits your project could generate.
Testimonial Author
Miko Ko
Funding Consultant @ Grantify
Could you give a couple of examples of these wider benefits?
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Absolutely. Economic benefits first look at impacts through your customers and users, then at the rest of the supply chain. This might include stimulating growth of business customers and subcontractors or boosting the UK's competitiveness in a specific sector.

Social benefits could mean creating new jobs, improving public health, enhancing education, or reducing inequality.

Environmental benefits are also growing in importance – think reduced carbon emissions, pollution prevention, or sustainable resource management.

Beyond these broad impacts, it's also important to show assessors that you're making the most of the grant funding.
Testimonial Author
Miko Ko
Funding Consultant @ Grantify
How can founders show they're committed to value for money beyond the wider benefits?
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There are many ways to show you’re spending the money smartly.

It could involve negotiating special rates with suppliers, leveraging existing resources your company owns, or even securing advisors willing to work for reduced rates because they believe in your mission.

Highlighting these efforts shows assessors that you're serious about making the grant funds work as hard as possible - and when you do that, you stand a better chance of winning the money you need.
Testimonial Author
Miko Ko
Funding Consultant @ Grantify

How Can AI Help Me Write a Winning Grant Application?

Debbie Nicol, Grantify Funding Consultant
Jason Baldwin, Head of Product @ Grantify
Expert in: Streamlining Grant Applications with Technology
Grant writing is notoriously time-consuming. But beyond that, the entire application process can feel complex and overwhelming.

How do you think advancements in AI are changing the game for businesses seeking grant funding?
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AI is changing everything and grant applications are no exception!

Recent breakthroughs in generative AI models have pushed the capabilities far beyond the previous clunky chatbots, to the point where they’re now truly useful co-pilots in the application writing process.
Testimonial Author
Jason Baldwin
Head of Product @ Grantify
That sounds powerful, but how does it translate into the practical world of grant applications?
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AI - when used correctly - can take care of many tedious tasks, freeing you to focus on the core idea and strategy behind your application.

This is where Grantify comes in with our suite of bespoke AI tools specifically designed to streamline the grant application process and improve our clients' chances of success.
Testimonial Author
Jason Baldwin
Head of Product @ Grantify
Could you give a quick rundown of the tools and how they’re used?
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Thought you’d never ask!

So, our AI tools excel in several key areas:

Drafting Answers: Our AI Writing Assistant understands the context of your project. It can take your rough notes and transform them into polished responses, aligned with the specific questions and scoring criteria of the grant.

Research: Instead of scouring the web, our AI-assisted Reference Finder lets you access research databases like Statista directly within the platform. This saves hours and helps you find reliable, up-to-date statistics to bolster your claims.

Document Analysis: When you need to extract insights from pitch decks or even transcripts of conversations with our experts, our Document Parser uses AI to pinpoint key themes and suggest improvements to your responses.
Testimonial Author
Jason Baldwin
Head of Product @ Grantify

Recommended read: Unlock Grant Funding with AI: Grantify's Breakthrough Approach

Isn't there a risk that AI-generated content could sound generic or impersonal?
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That's a valid concern. That's why we emphasise blending AI efficiency and human expertise.

AI accelerates the process, but it's our experienced grant experts who guarantee that your unique story, your innovation, and your specific goals shine through.

Also, our AI Assistant is exactly that - an auxiliary tool, designed to help create high-quality grant proposals, not to replace your expertise, diligence, or project knowledge.

And, to make sure answers are perfect, the tool doesn’t just generate a response and expect you to move on to the next question. Based on your input, the tool generates multiple options for you to choose from and refine using improvement tags like ‘make more succinct’.
Testimonial Author
Jason Baldwin
Head of Product @ Grantify
So Grantify’s AI isn’t about replacing human expertise. It's more about a collaboration?
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Precisely. We view the grant application process as a partnership.

Our experts share knowledge gained from countless successful applications. And our AI handles the time-consuming elements, ensuring a smooth and efficient experience that ultimately improves your chances of securing funding.
Testimonial Author
Jason Baldwin
Head of Product @ Grantify
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Grantify's customers submit their grant applications 7X quicker than applying solo.
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In a recent round of government funding, 64% of all winners were produced by the Grantify platform.

Elevate your grant application with proven strategies from Grantify. Learn the insider tips that helped us secure over £125M in funding.

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