How Does Grantify Work? A Step-by-Step Guide to Our Expert-Led, AI-Powered Grant Platform

Unlock the power of AI for startup funding. Learn how Grantify works to streamline grant writing, improve your chances, and fuel your growth.

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Megan Williams
August 16, 2024
Abstract illustration of the grant application process

Securing non-equity, non-repayable government grants can be a game-changer for your startup. But let’s face it – the application process is often a labyrinth of complexity, eating up weeks of valuable time with no guarantee of success.

We've revolutionised the grant application process by combining cutting-edge AI technology with human expertise. Our platform doesn't just simplify the journey – it transforms it.

Break complex applications

Breaks complex applications into bite-sized, manageable steps

Craft winning proposals

Craft winning proposals in days, not weeks

Access crucial data

Access crucial data and references on demand

AI-assisted writing

AI-assisted writing and expert guidance at every stage

The Grantify Impact

  • £130M+ in grants secured in 3.5 years
  • 650+ startups funded
  • Up to 55-60% repeated Smart Grant success rate
  • Most successful round: 72% of Smart Grant winners were Grantify startups
  • SBIR Phase I 2023 success rate of 66% vs ~10-20% unsupported
  • EIC Stage 1 best funding round of 75-80%

See more of Grantify’s success stats

Curious if you qualify?
Take our quick self-assessment quiz to see if you're eligible for game-changing grant funding.
Start your funding journey

Four Steps to Funding: The Grantify Process

We've streamlined the grant application process into four stages, each designed to maximise your chances of success.

1. Self-Assessment & Expert Consultation

  • Take our quick eligibility quiz to determine your grant potential
  • Book a free call with a Grantify consultant
  • Receive tailored advice on your funding options and application strategy

2. The Grantify Platform: Your Suite of AI-Powered Writing Tools

  • Access our intuitive, step-by-step application platform
  • Leverage AI tools to draft compelling answers and find supporting data – all vetted by our grant experts
  • Collaborate with your team using built-in commenting and flagging features
  • Get insider advice with our in-platform support system
  • Break down complex questions into manageable, bite-sized tasks
  • Track your progress with our user-friendly dashboard
  • Access all necessary templates and policies in one place

3. Expert Application Reviews

  • Benefit from two rounds of thorough review by our grant experts
  • Receive detailed feedback to refine and strengthen your application
  • Get insights based on hundreds of past successful applications
  • Polish your proposal to meet and exceed assessor expectations

4. Extra Support

  • Ongoing assistance for successful applications
  • Free resubmission attempt if unsuccessful on the first try
  • Guidance on next steps and additional funding opportunities
  • Access to our network of partners and perks worth over £300K

Ready to dive deeper? Let's explore the heart of the Grantify experience – our AI-powered platform.

Inside the Grantify Platform: Your Suite of AI-Powered Grant Writing Tools

The Grantify Platform is your central hub for crafting an exceptional grant application. It transforms the daunting task of grant writing into a streamlined, collaborative process. By combining AI assistance with expert guidance, we empower you to create a compelling application in a fraction of the time.

Let's explore the platform’s key features:

Intuitive Dashboards

Intuitive Dashboards

AI Writing Assistant

AI Writing Assistant

AI Reference Finder

AI Reference Finder

Expert Guidance

Expert Guidance

Pre-written Templates and Policies

Pre-written Templates and Policies

1. Intuitive Dashboards

Grant applications often overwhelm with their sheer complexity. Our dashboards break down the process into clear, actionable steps, ensuring you never lose sight of the big picture or miss crucial details.

A clear, step-by-step breakdown of the application process with at-a-glance progress tracking.
Easy access to comments, flagged questions, and support tickets.

2. AI Writing Assistant

Crafting compelling responses that resonate with assessors typically requires weeks of research and writing. Our AI Assistant, trained on hundreds of anonymised trends from successful applications, helps you articulate your ideas in the language assessors expect, saving you valuable time without compromising on quality.

Our AI doesn't just fill in blanks – it learns about your business with every new answer you provide, to create compelling, context-aware content.

Generates real-time answers based on your input and our anonymised database of successful applications.
Improves with each question you answer, tailoring responses to your specific project.
Saves time while maintaining the unique voice of your business.

3. AI Reference Finder

Assessors demand credible data to back your claims, but finding relevant statistics can be time-consuming and expensive. Our Reference Finder taps into premium databases like Statista Enterprise and Data Gardener, instantly providing you with high-quality supporting data that bolsters and strengthens your proposal. It also searches references from public sources such as Google Scholar and Semantic Scholar to find relevant research to back up your ideas.

Automatically sources relevant statistics and research.
Saves hours of manual research and hefty subscription costs.

4. Expert Guidance at Your Fingertips

Our in-platform support and expert tips demystify each question, helping you focus on what truly matters to the funding body.

In-platform support system for quick expert advice.
Detailed explanations and tips for each question.

5. Pre-written Templates and Policies

Assessors expect professional, well-structured supporting documents, from project timelines to cost breakdowns. Our templates and tools, refined through hundreds of successful applications, ensure you meet these exacting standards without starting from scratch.

The Grantify platform doesn't just simplify the application process—it gives you insider knowledge gained from hundreds of successful grants

We've learned what assessors look for, and we've built those insights into every feature of our platform.

Expert Application Reviews

While our AI-powered platform streamlines the grant writing process, it's our human experts who provide the critical insights and polishing that turn good applications into great ones.

1. Platform Review: Refining Your Responses

After you've completed your application in the Grantify platform:

  • Our grant experts conduct a comprehensive review of your platform answers
  • You'll receive detailed suggestions to improve clarity and add relevant details
  • During this review, you'll be temporarily locked out of the platform to ensure a thorough assessment
  • Once complete, you'll be notified via email to review and implement the expert feedback
Why it matters
Our experts, who include several former grant assessors, have guided hundreds of startups through successful applications. They know exactly what assessors look for and can spot opportunities to strengthen your case that you might miss.

2. Final Review: Polishing for Perfection

Once your platform answers are refined:

  • Our system converts your responses into a full grant application format
  • Our professional proofreaders polish the prose for sharp, high-quality responses
  • Grant Experts perform a final, comprehensive review of your complete application
  • You'll receive suggestions for final edits to elevate your application to its most competitive state
Why it matters
The final review ensures that your application meets and exceeds assessor expectations. Our experts' deep understanding of the grant landscape helps position your innovation in the most compelling light.

3. The Grantify Advantage

  • Expertise built on hundreds of successful applications
  • Insight into the latest trends and preferences in grant assessments
  • A keen eye for the details that can make or break an application
  • The ability to translate complex technical concepts into clear, persuasive narratives
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We don't just review applications; we advocate for your innovation. Our goal is to ensure every assessor sees the full potential and impact of your project.
Testimonial Author
Debbie Nicol
Funding Consultant @ Grantify

This expert review process is just the beginning of our support. Should your initial application be unsuccessful, we offer a free resubmission, applying all the lessons learned to refine your proposal further.

Next, we'll explore how our support continues even after your application is submitted, ensuring you're set up for success at every stage of your growth journey.

Extra Support: Fueling Your Growth Beyond the Grant

Our commitment to your success doesn't end when you hit submit. We're here to support your journey from application to funding and beyond.

Immediate Post-Submission Support

  • Guidance on next steps in the grant process
  • Assistance with any follow-up questions from funding bodies
  • Free resubmission support if your initial application is unsuccessful

Beyond Grants: Shaping Your Investment Pitch

The Grantify process does more than secure grant funding—it helps refine your entire business proposition. As you work through our platform with our experts, you'll gain invaluable insights into articulating your innovation, market potential, and business model. This process mirrors what venture capitalists and other investors look for in a pitch. 

Many of our clients find that the rigorous exercise of crafting a grant application with Grantify significantly strengthens their overall investment narrative

Whether you're approaching VCs, angel investors, or corporate partners in the future, the clear, compelling story you develop through Grantify will give you a decisive edge.

Exclusive Access to the Grantify Startup Ecosystem

As a Grantify client, you gain access to our curated network of partners and perks, designed to accelerate your startup's growth

This package, valued at over £300K, includes:

Cloud Services and Infrastructure

  • Credits with leading cloud providers to build and scale your tech
  • Access to premium development and collaboration tools

Marketing and Customer Acquisition

  • Credits for digital advertising platforms
  • Discounts on CRM and marketing automation tools

Financial and Legal Services

  • Discounted access to legal consultation and contract management
  • Special offers on financial management and reporting tools

Productivity and Team Collaboration

  • Free trials and discounts on project management platforms
  • Premium subscriptions to communication and productivity suites
Data and Analytics
  • Credits for powerful data analytics and visualisation tools
  • Discounted access to market research platforms
Business Development and Networking

  • Exclusive invitations to events
  • Networking opportunities with industry experts and likeminded founders
Grantify Winners' Network- a monthly dinner hosted by Grantify that celebrates grant recipients' stories and fuels networking between innovative leaders

How These Perks Fuel Your Growth

  • Reduce operational costs during crucial early stages
  • Access enterprise-level tools typically out of reach for startups
  • Accelerate product development and go-to-market strategies
  • Connect with potential customers, partners, and investors

These perks are regularly updated to ensure we're offering the most relevant and valuable resources to our clients.

Our team is always available to help you maximise the benefits of these partnerships.

By choosing Grantify, you're not just getting help with a grant application - you're joining a vibrant ecosystem designed to support every aspect of your startup's journey. From funding to growth, we're here to help you turn your innovative ideas into market-leading realities.

Let's get started
Take our quick self-assessment quiz to see if you're eligible for game-changing grant funding.
Start your funding journey - the quiz

Learn how Grantify works to streamline grant writing, improve your chances, and fuel your growth.

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